Orpet, Robert

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Using Soil Moisture Sensors in Pears

When to irrigate and how much? Fine-tuning your irrigation may be easier than you think: irrigation sensors can help answer these, and other, questions.

Pear Psylla Integrated Pest Management

Pear psylla causes fruit russet and in large numbers can stunt and defoliate pear trees. Learn best monitoring practices as well as strategies to deploy when they are detected.

Bumble Bee Parasites and Conservation in the Pacific Northwest

Nearly 30 species of native bumble bee call the Pacific Northwest home and provide important pollination services, even pollinating certain crops more effectively than honey bees. With this in mind, learn how to reduce bumble bee threats and strategies for conservation.

AUTHORS: Mario Luppino, Robert Orpet, Katlyn Catron, Nick Olsen
