Olmstead, Mercy Anne

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Blackleaf in Grapes

Recent research shows that blackleaf in grapes is due to a combination of water stress and high UV-B radiation. Learn how to identify and control this disease in Concord and winegrapes by addressin ...


Chip Bud Grafting in Washington State Vineyards

The process of chip bud grafting is described for vineyard growers interested in changing grape varieties. Background, benefits, requirements, and color photos demonstrating the various steps are p ...


Cover Crops as a Floor Management Strategy for Pacific Northwest Vineyards

Cover crops are an important vineyard floor management strategy. Topics covered include the benefits of using cover crops versus other floor management strategies, as well as information on many di ...


Protecting Grapevines from Winter Injury

This publication describes three systems (burying canes in a V-trench, J-system training, and spur-pruned rose training) that may help prevent grapevine injury from winter freezes, which reduce fruit ...