Murray, Timothy

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Identificando a las Royas del Trigo y Cebada (Identifying Rust Diseases of Wheat and Barley)

Las royas de los cereales son las enfermedades más distribuidas y económicamente importantes a nivel mundial. Tres distintas royas, la roya de la hoja, la roya amarilla o roya rayada, y la roya del t ...

Identifying Rust Diseases of Wheat and Barley

Rust diseases are among the most widespread and economically important diseases of cereal crops worldwide. Three distinct diseases, leaf rust, stripe rust and stem rust, occur on wheat and barley in ...

Strawbreaker Foot Rot or Eyespot of Wheat

Strawbreaker foot rot, which is also called eyespot, is a common and serious disease of winter wheat throughout most of eastern Washington. This publication describes disease symptoms and causes, a ...


Advances in Dryland Farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest (PNW) (REACCh Handbook)

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Individual chapters available for viewing. See below.
