Irrigation and Water

Irrigation and Water

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Sensor Sprayers for Specialty Crop Production

Sensor-controlled spray systems can help growers use fewer chemicals and less water while maintaining good pest control. Learn about the pros and cons of different types of sensor sprayers. ...

SPAW Hydrology Training

This three-disk, 5-section, training DVD for the SPAW hydrology model contains five hours of instruction on the model operation, applications, interpretations, and examples. The SPAW (Soil-Plant-Ai ...


Sweet Cherry Orchard Establishment in the Pacific Northwest: Important Considerations for Success

Regularly producing sustainable yields of high-quality cherries is possible only where site and other conditions are near optimal. This step-by-step guide summarizes factors to consider when establis ...

The Western Oregon and Washington Pasture Calendar

This publication describes—by climatic zone—perennial pasture plant growth and how management actions can affect growth, both positively and negatively. Optimal management of forages by season is the ...

Understanding the Relationship Between Water Price, Value, and Cost

Discussions about issues related to water in arid regions like Central Washington tend to be contentious. Tensions can be exacerbated when there is a lack of clarity over what is being discussed. This ...

Vegetative Filter Strip Use as a Rill-Irrigated Best Management Practice

Water quality is an important aspect of irrigation, but it can be difficult to achieve. On rill-irrigated row crops, vegetative filter strips can be effective as a best management practice for improvi ...

Vegetative Filter Strips as a Best Management Practice on Rill-Irrigated Row Fields

Vegetative filter strips (VFSs) are areas of land that have been planted with vegetation in order to intercept and slow down runoff water, capture eroded soil, and increase surface water infiltration. ...

Washington Water Rights for Agricultural Producers

In Washington State, water rights are managed by the Department of Ecology. This publication gives an overview of water rights and outlines the requirements and procedures for applying for new water r ...

Watering Home Gardens and Landscape Plants

Making the most of available water is a challenge in times of drought. Native plants and grasses survive the best. Authors discuss the relationship of soil, water, and air for plant health. Do you rea ...