Irrigation and Water

Irrigation and Water

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Effect of Deficit Irrigation on the Cost of Producing Native Spearmint Oil in Washington State

Washington State is the largest producer of native spearmint oil in the U.S. This publication provides guidelines for assessing how deficit irrigation (deliberately irrigating a crop with less water t ...

El manejo de líneas de riego de alas móviles-rodantes (wheel-lines) y líneas de alas móviles-a-mano (hand-lines) para incrementar la rentabilidad

En el año 2008, habían cerca de 3 millones de acres, en los Estados Unidos, que eran regadas con líneas de riego de alas móviles-rodantes y líneas de alas móviles-a-mano con 1.3 millones de esas acre ...

Establishing Vegetative Filter Strips on Rill-Irrigated Row Fields

Vegetative filter strips have proven to be effective in improving water quality on rill-irrigated row crops, especially when they’re established before the crop irrigation season begins. Establishing ...

Executive Summary of Impact Assessment - Solutions to Environmental and Economic Problems (STEEP), a USDA Special Research Grant

A 4-page overview of the impacts of the 30-year STEEP (Solutions to Economic and Environmental Problems) research and education program. ...

Forage Productivity of Vegetative Filter Strips Established on Rill Irrigated Row Fields

Vegetative filter strips are planted strips of land that typically have grasses to act as a filter to catch and filter pollutants out of runoff water. Use of vegetative filter strips are considered a ...

Grapevine Management Under Drought Conditions

Under drought conditions, vineyards are impacted by a variety of environmental factors that growers may or may not be able to control. This publication discusses the many water-related factors that af ...

Grass Seeding Forest Roads, Skid Trails, and Landings in the Inland Northwest

Sediments are one of the main nonpoint sources of pollution for lakes, rivers, and streams in the Inland Northwest. This 8-page publication (including cover) shares strategies for protecting waters ...


High Residue Farming Under Irrigation: Crop Rotation (2 in a series of 5)

“High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field. That crop residue provides many benefits to the s ...

High Residue Farming Under Irrigation: Residue Management through Planting (3 in a series of 5)

“High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field. That crop residue provides many benefits to the ...