Galinato, Suzette

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Agritourism in Washington State: An Industry Profile

This report evaluates the motivations, impacts, and challenges faced by the farms in Washington as they relate to agritourism. We characterize agritourism entrepreneurship activities in 26 different ...

An Economic Analysis of Three Soil Improvement Practices in the Columbia Basin, Washington State

Compost, cover crops, or no-till/min-till? Get a cost and benefits comparison of all three in this publication. ...

Impacts of the Azinphos-methyl Ban in the Apple Industry and Economy of Washington State

In 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared that the pesticide azinphos-methyl (AZM) cannot be used in apple production after September 30, 2012. While it provides important pest ...

Important Considerations for the Use of Biodegradable Mulch in Crop Production

Biodegradable mulch (BDM) is a little-known, newer, and innovative alternative to polyethylene mulch. Find out more about this mulching system here. ...

2019 Cost Estimates of Producing Fresh and Processing Potatoes in Washington

Create a budget to increase the viability of your enterprise using this general guide for estimating the physical and financial costs of potato production.

Economic Feasibility of Using Alternative Plastic Mulches: A Pumpkin Case Study in Western Washington

Is transitioning from polyethylene mulch to biodegradable mulches economically feasible for your pie pumpkin farm? Find out more in this publication.