Donovan, Colleen

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Accepted Here! Food Access Programs at Washington State Farmers Markets

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) are designed to provide individuals and families in need with access to food and a more healthful d ...

Organizational Dimensions of Farmers Markets in Washington

Farmers markets bloom throughout Washington State bringing economic benefits and farm-to-table services. Get the data break-down here. ...

Profile of Small Farms in Washington Agriculture

By USDA criteria, over 90% or 35,269 of Washington’s farms are considered small. While the total number of farms in Washington has increased slightly from the last census, this was largely due to gain ...

Profile of Small Farms in Washington State Agriculture (2015 Update)

Small farms are important to Washington State, with significant numbers of them found in every county. Beyond their economic contributions, these farms serve critical land stewardship functions.