Brown, Tabatha

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Agricultural Lime and Liming - Part 2. Laboratory testing to determine lime requirements (Soil Acidification Series)

Agricultural Lime and Liming is a three-part publication that introduces the basic principles of how and why calcareous amendments are land applied to elevate the pH of acid soils. Part 2 delves more ...

Agricultural Lime and Liming, Part 3: Aglime Product Selection and Comparison Calculator User Guide (Soil Acidification Series)

Agricultural Lime and Liming is a three-part publication that introduces the basic principles of how and why calcareous amendments are land applied to elevate the pH of acid soils. Part 3 is a user’s ...

Agriculture Lime and Liming - Part 1. Introduction to Agricultural Lime and Liming (Soil Acidification Series)

Agricultural Lime and Liming is a three-part publication that introduces the basic principles of how and why calcareous amendments are land applied to elevate the pH of acid soils. Part 1 contributes ...