Brandt, Brian

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How to Run a Structured Meeting: A Toolkit for Field-Trip Chaperones

Field trips provide great opportunities for youth to gain new knowledge as well as develop stronger social and emotional skills, or what the 4-H program calls life skills. Many of these field trips re ...

Mission and Vision: The Yearly Mission Checkup is a Dose of Prevention

Volunteer-led groups are a tremendous asset to the University Extension system. It is important that these groups understand, embrace, and incorporate the Mission and Vision of Extension. This documen ...

Turning Games into Social-Emotional Skill Building

Games are a popular activity in afterschool programs, clubs, project meetings, youth events, and camps. They’re fun and also provide potential health benefits and social-emotional development opportun ...

Facilitating the Experience: Mastering the Art and Science of Group Dynamics

This manual is designed to provide initial and ongoing guidance for Adventure facilitators in youth development programs. It offers facilitators a broad overview of the common theoretical and practical methodology that affect Adventure education across programmatic offerings, while allowing for program specialization.