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Straw Removal Calculator Guide

This publication breaks down the hidden environmental and market condition costs associated with straw removal: learn how this widespread practice might benefit you financially.

WSU Wilke Research and Extension Farm Operation, Production, and Economic Performance for 2022

This annual publication is written primarily for farmers and crop consultants in the intermediate rainfall zone and provides documentation of the operations and production on the Wilke Farm to assist university faculty with small-plot research experiments.

Buckwheat Production West of the Cascades

Naturally gluten-free, buckwheat has a variety of culinary uses regionally and internationally. Learn about market opportunities, how to establish a strong stand, and the best management and harvest practices for this tasty, nutritious crop.

Improving Irrigation Efficiencies in Pears Case Studies

The following case studies illustrate common irrigation system challenges in Washington pear orchards, providing growers with potential solutions to irrigation issues in order to improve fruit quality and profitability.

Establishment and Management of Switchgrass for Forage and Biofuel under Irrigation (Oilseed Series)

Growers are often surprised to learn that you can grow switchgrass both as a long-term, sustainable forage and as feedstock for cellulosic biofuel. This pub draws on more than two decades of research from Washington State University’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, WA, to teach best practices for establishing a vibrant stand.

Managing Mosquitoes in Washington Irrigated Orchards

Currently, West Nile virus infects nearly 15% of mosquitoes in parts of Washington State, so effective mosquito control is increasingly important in irrigated orchards for keeping workers and animals safe. This publication breaks down multiple ways you can begin to get a handle on pesky mosquito populations.

Inland Pacific Northwest Pasture Calendar

The Inland PNW Pasture Calendar is designed to be a comprehensive guide for improved grassland management in support of forage-livestock systems. Applying the principles described will lead to improved regional economic, ecological, and social sustainability. This publication describes the opportunities and challenges of sustainably raising harvested and grazed forages and developing forage-livestock systems in a diverse environment.


Steve Fransen, Sergio Arispe, Mylen Bohle, Brendan Brazee, Scott Duggan, Richard Fleenor, Tip Hudson, Rich Koenig, K. Scott Jensen, Don Llewellyn, Amanda Moore, Ian McGregor, J. Shannon Neibergs, Steve Norberg, Ian Reid, Joseph Sagers, Glenn Shewmaker, K. Christy Tanner, Guojie Wang, Ashlee Westerhold, Carmen Willmore


WSU Wilke Research and Extension Farm Operation, Production, and Economic Performance for 2023

Primarily directed toward farmers, crop consultants, and university faculty to assist with small-plot research experiments, this annual publication provides documentation of the operations and production on the Wilke Farm, which is located in the intermediate rainfall zone.

Bumble Bee Parasites and Conservation in the Pacific Northwest

Nearly 30 species of native bumble bee call the Pacific Northwest home and provide important pollination services, even pollinating certain crops more effectively than honey bees. With this in mind, learn how to reduce bumble bee threats and strategies for conservation.

AUTHORS: Mario Luppino, Robert Orpet, Katlyn Catron, Nick Olsen
