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Harvesting Blueberries: A Guide to Machine Pick Blueberries for Fresh Market

You can maximize blueberry fruit quality and the harvesting efficiency of your machine pickers by following the best practices outlined in this pub.

Learning Agroecology on the Land: Holding a Farm Walk

Drawing on experience and data from more than 15 years and over 150 Farm Walks, this publication offers guidance on how to hold a successful Farm Walk event.

Studies on Fruit and Hard Cider Chemistry of Eastern Washington

With the industry expected to continue growing, now is the perfect time to learn more about the chemistry of Washington-grown hard cider apples.

Mobile Drip Irrigation (MDI)

Combining the high efficiency of surface drip irrigation with the flexibility and convenience of center pivot, MDI might be the answer you’re looking for.

WSU Wilke Research and Extension Farm Operation, Production, and Economic Performance for 2021

Delve into this annual publication that outlines the operation, production, and economic performance of the WSU Wilke Research and Extension Farm for 2021.

Dual-Purpose Canola Management in the Pacific Northwest

A canola management system can, under the right circumstances, increase gross revenue and improve soil health. This pub explores why to consider integrating canola into your existing operation.

Soil Health in Washington Vineyards

Tracking soil health over time is an integral component of good vineyard management. Learn how to get started building and sustaining soil health in your operation.

A Practical Guide to Soil Health Indicators for Monitoring Shifts in Soil Organic Matter

This practical guide will help producers navigate soil health indicators, which are related to soil organic matter but respond more readily to management changes.

Carbon Sequestration Potential in Cropland Soils in the Inland Pacific Northwest: Knowledge and Gaps

What determines whether your soil is a carbon sink or a carbon source? Find out which ag management strategies effectively store carbon in cropland soils in the inland PNW.