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Growing Quinoa in Washington State

Gaining popularity in the United States, quinoa is relatively new to Washington State: find out more about this fascinating annual broadleaf crop.

Growing Barley in Western Washington

Versatile and low-input, barley can be used for food, malt, or animal feed: find out here if barley could work as a rotational crop on your farm.

Testing Agricultural Water for Fruit and Vegetable Production and Postharvest Handling

Develop a plan for testing water to control and manage the associated risks: this pub tells you best practices and covers some of the associated FDA rules.

Growing Winter Malting Barley West of the Cascades

Thinking about growing winter malting barley? This pub will help you to get started, providing an overview of must-know tips and information.

Increasing Value of Corn Silage in Corn-Triticale System by Intercropping with Forage Soybean

Looking for ways to increase forage quantity and quality all while decreasing costs of producing feed? This publication might just hold your answer.

WSU Wilke Research and Extension Farm Operation, Production, and Economic Performance for 2020

This annual publication outlines the operations, production, and economic performance of the WSU Wilke Farm for 2020.

Spray Nozzle Demonstration Curriculum

It can be tough to know if a nozzle is functioning properly, but this handy course curriculum helps participants to find out how.

Assessing Freeze Damage to Winter and Spring Wheat Using a Crown Viability Test

Follow the nine simple steps outlined in this pub to conduct a successful crown viability test on your winter and spring wheat.

Distinguishing Northern Giant Hornet Damage to Honey Bee Colonies

Beekeepers in Washington State: learn the signs of northern giant hornet (NGH) damage, common look-alike damage, and how to report NGH to the state. (Formerly known as Asian giant hornet.)