Agriculture Business

Agriculture Business

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Food Safety Considerations for Postharvest Washing of Produce and Sanitation of Packing Areas, Equipment, and Tools

Find out how your farm or packinghouse can develop a more robust sanitation program in this publication, with a focus on chlorine and peroxyacetic acid (PAA).

WSU Wilke Research and Extension Farm Operation, Production, and Economic Performance for 2020

This annual publication outlines the operations, production, and economic performance of the WSU Wilke Farm for 2020.

2020 Cost Estimates of Producing Bartlett Pears for Canning in Washington State

Is producing Bartlett pears for canning economically feasible in your operation? This pub offers cost considerations, estimates, and personalized inputs.

Learning Agroecology on the Land: Holding a Farm Walk

Drawing on experience and data from more than 15 years and over 150 Farm Walks, this publication offers guidance on how to hold a successful Farm Walk event.

2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Coral Champagne Sweet Cherries in Washington State

Is producing Coral Champagne sweet cherries economically feasible in your operation? This pub offers cost considerations and estimates for 2021 to 2022.

2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Sweetheart Sweet Cherries in Washington State

Is producing Sweetheart sweet cherries economically feasible in your operation? This pub offers cost considerations and estimates for 2021 to 2022.

2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Chelan Sweet Cherries in Washington State

Is producing Chelan sweet cherries economically feasible in your operation? This pub offers cost considerations and estimates for 2021 to 2022.

2021-2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Skeena Sweet Cherries in Washington State

Is producing Skeena sweet cherries economically feasible in your operation? This pub offers cost considerations and estimates for 2021 to 2022.

Food Hub Establishment: A Case Study of the Southwest Washington Food Hub

Those interested in starting or adapting a food hub will find the info and model in this pub helpful: learn more about these dynamic food systems here.