Agriculture Business

Agriculture Business

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Organizational Dimensions of Farmers Markets in Washington

Farmers markets bloom throughout Washington State bringing economic benefits and farm-to-table services. Get the data break-down here. ...

Overview of the Agricultural Act of 2014 Dairy Margin Protection Program and Its Implications for Washington Dairy Farmers

The Agricultural Act of 2014, commonly referred to as the Farm Bill, passed into law on February 7, 2014. The five-year Farm Bill contains significant changes that will affect farmers and ranchers thr ...

Pasture and Grazing Management in the Northwest

The comprehensive resource for anyone who manages livestock on pastures in the Northwest, this 214-page book offers pasture managers information and tools to enable their pastures and their livestock to reach their maximum production potentials. Seventeen chapters proceed from planning to budgeting.

Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Field Guide

This condensed version of PNW671, Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Technical Guide, contains pointers and suggestions for photo monitoring. Side 2 serves as a photo board template.

Produced by t ...


Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Technical Guide

Get started with photo monitoring of rangelands with this 8-step guide covering equipment, photo timing, site selection and identification, photography and photo boards, field notes, and photo sto ...


Practical Biosecurity Recommendations for Farm Tour Hosts

This publication was written for livestock producers who would like to open their farms to the public for tours or educational workshops, yet reduce disease risks potentially associated with such visi ...

Practical Use of Soil Moisture Sensors for Irrigation Scheduling

Good irrigation water management will increase yields, improve crop quality, conserve water, save energy, decrease fertilizer requirements, and reduce non-point source pollution. Using soil moisture ...

Predicting Wheat Grain Yield Based on Available Water

This paper focuses on our research into the relationship between available water and wheat grain yield under the Mediterranean-like climatic conditions of the U.S. Inland PNW. ...

Price Indices for Estimating Cattle Prices in the Pacific Northwest

Describes trends in cattle prices that producers can use to estimate monthly sales for budget planning.

Produced by the University of Idaho. Reviewed by WSU specialist Tipton Hudson. ...
