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Backyard Composting (Home Garden Series)

Curious about compost? Composting reduces waste and provides an inexpensive treatment for home gardens and landscapes. Whether you have been composting for years or want to start your first pile, this ...

Berries for the Inland Northwest

Berries and grapes offer many opportunities for Inland Northwest gardeners to expand their food gardens. Sections include: growing berries and grapes, blueberries, currants and gooseberries, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. Black and white illustrations.

Best Management Practices for Construction of Sand-Based, Natural Athletic Fields for Football and Soccer

Sand-based, natural turfgrass and synthetic surfaces are the two best options for athletic fields in the rainy Pacific Northwest. Comparatively, natural fields are less expensive to construct and repl ...

Best Management Practices for Maintaining Sand-Based, Natural Grass Athletic Fields

This publication recommends specific ways to manage sand-based fields, which require more frequent fertilization, irrigation, and cultivation for proper maintenance than native soil fields. Replaces P ...

Best Management Practices for Summer Fallow in the World's Driest Rainfed Wheat Region

Wind erosion from excessively tilled soils is a severe problem, especially in south-central Washington. Tillage of fallow land in the world’s driest rainfed wheat production region is considered neces ...

Biosolids in Dryland Cropping Systems

This publication reviews the long-term benefits of municipal biosolids applications on soil health in dryland cereal and pasture cropping systems east of the Cascades. Biosolids were an especially eff ...

Blister Beetles: Pest or Beneficial Predator

This fact sheet assists producers in recognizing blister beetles and understanding their importance as beneficial predators, as well as their potential to be toxic to livestock. Management strategies ...

Blueberry Cultivars for the Pacific Northwest

This publication describes northern highbush, southern highbush, rabbiteye, lowbush, and half-high blueberry cultivars. It includes information on commercial value and identifies which cultivars wo ...


Botrytis Bunch Rot in Commercial Washington Grape Production: Biology and Disease Management

Details BBR symptoms, management recommendations, and how to deal with fungicide resistance. Includes color images of disease stages.