Interior plantings include a wide range of ornamentals inside structures: homes, restaurants, malls, office buildings, hospitals, and apartments, as examples. Pesticide resistance and appropriate pesti ...
Onion growers and packers in the Pacific Northwest have observed a problem on red, white, and yellow cultivars: internal dry scale. Bulbs affected by internal dry scale have dead inner scales that are ...
A study guide for managers of agricultural and ornamental plant pests. Covers management principles, insect biology, classification, and descriptions; discussion of insecticides and special precaution ...
Have you ever wondered what causes your rhododendron's leaves to turn yellow or why your apple tree has fruit with brown spots? This book will help you identify all kinds of plant problems.
Large raspberry aphid, Amphorophora agathonica, is an important pest in red and black raspberries in the Pacific Northwest. It transmits plant viruses that cause decreased cane vigor and fruit qualit ...
This scale insect attacks a variety of hosts in Washington, including fruit trees, roses, and cherrylaurel hedges. Authors discuss biology and control of this pest. Homeowner products are listed.
This manual is intended as a study guide for Spanish-reading individuals who need materials supporting pesticide licensing exams on Washington Laws and Safety, Turf and Ornamental Weed, Agricultural Weed, and Rights-of-Way Weed. The information included is a translated combination of the English manuals EM012, EM035, EM043, and EM029.
Resumen: El trips de la cebolla, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, es el insecto plaga más destructivo en cultivos de cebolla en el Estado de Washington. La presente publicación trata sobre la manera en que el ...